
  • 发布者: super user
  • 作者: sppm
  • Created: 2016-07-20
  • 13819

        Under the background of integration of science and education, the School of Public Policy and Management was jointly organized bymany institutes including the Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences. SPPMhas research projects which are at the international academic frontier and satisfy the national strategic needs, excellent scientific research conditions, a wide range of domestic and international academic exchange channels and innovation-encouraging cultural environment. SPPM has great advantages in the disciplines such as Management andLaw.SPPM has an outstanding team with 33 professors, 46 associate professors,25 PhDSupervisors and 30 master instructors, of whom three are members of The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, three are winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and one is the chief scientist of the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program).The teaching faculty is composed of the scholars with outstanding achievement of scientific research and rich teaching experiences who are selected from the relevant fields.

        Currently,SPPM is certified to offer master and doctor degrees in the disciplines of management and law, including a master degree in the first-degree subjects such as "Management Science and Engineering","Public Administration" and "Law", as well as second-degree subjectssuch as "Innovation Management", "Administration", "Educational economy and management ", "Civil and Commercial Law" and a doctor degree in "Management Science and Engineering". SPPM is also certified to offer a professional master's degree in "Public Administration" and provides a center for post-doctoral studies in “Management Science and Engineering”.

120100 Management Science and Engineering

01 Technology policy and technology management

02 Innovation development policy and management

03 Technology strategy and planning

04 Sustainable development management

05 Intellectual property management

06 Innovation methodologies

1204 Public Administration

01 Government management and governance mechanism

02 Rural development and social governance

03 Public safety management

04 Urbanization and regional management

0301 Law

01 Intellectual property law

02 Technology law

03 Competition law