Pan Jiaofeng : China accelerates to be an innovation center

  • 发布者: 韩彬
  • Created: 2017-03-31
  • 9296

      A new S&T revolution and industrial revolution featuring green, intelligent, and sustainable is ahead of us. China is on an important stage for innovation driven economy transformation and we should seize the opportunity to become a world’s innovation center.

     We should develop a technological and industrial system of innovation in some important part in building a prosperous society and in our approaching to modernization. Firstly, we should upgrade “Made in China” to “Created in China” by upgrading our industries with innovation guiding strategies. Then, we should propel the improvement of our resources production and consumption to curd the deterioration of our living environment. Thirdly, our public services quality should be improved by developing more efficient and low-cost medical services. Finally, a new security system should be built to safeguard our economic security, information security, ecological security, resources security, military security, social security, etc..


(Author : Pan Jiaofeng, dean of Institute of Sxience and Development, CAS)