Bai Chunli : Accelerate the Commercialization of S&T Research Findings and Propel the Supply-side Reform of S&T

  • 供稿人:学习时报
  • 发布者: 韩彬
  • 作者: 韩彬
  • Created: 2017-02-20
  • 4867

      President Xi Jinping has put forward the supply-side reform, which is an important guide for the development of science and technology innovation. The commercialization of research findings is the last stage of an S&T innovation process, which in part determines the effect of an innovation. At present, China is the second largest country of science and technology research expense and has the biggest amount of patent filings. However, the commercialization rate of these researches is still low so it is of great significance to accelerate the commercialization of S&T research findings and propel the supply-side reform of S&T.

     To break the bottle neck, we should clarify the relationship between science and technology and make it conducive to improve the commercialization of such findings. There exist many different problems in scientific studies, technology development and their applications.

     We need to reform our science and technology institutions to lead the application and commercialization of S&T. Firstly, research institutes or organizations should be classified according to their functions and suitable and specific funding and evaluating system should be constructed. Secondly, more funding needs for the basic researches. Thirdly, legal system should be constructed and improved to propel the commercialization. And finally, more efforts should be made to cultivate professionals and experts in this field, building a more efficient network.


(Bai Chunli, president of the CAS)